Our 'hike' to the top of the Gingee fort - 7 Jan, 24

Our hike to the top of the Gingee fort - 7 Jan, 24

Paul Jackson insipired Kirigami art by Jay Chavda

Paul Jackson insipired Kirigami art by Jay Chavda

Our dinner at Toscano with AM1100 TAs

Our dinner at Toscano with AM1100 TAs

Ganga Prasath's talk at SMYIM on 14 June, 2024

Ganga Prasath's talk at SMYIM, Kodaikanal on 14 June, 2024.

Mohan wins 2nd Prize in AMBE Research Palooza Sci-Tech Exposium

Mohan wins 2nd Prize in AMBE Research Palooza Sci-Tech Exposium held on 5 July, 2024

Jay's poster presentation in AMBE Research Palooza on 5 July, 2024

Jay's poster presentation in AMBE Research Palooza on 5 July, 2024

Mohan's talk in AMBE Research Palooza on 5 July, 2024

Mohan's talk in AMBE Research Palooza on 5 July, 2024